Meta tags are elements used to provide information about an HTML document or website. The Meta tags will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata.
- Log into your website
- From the left panel menu click on Theme Options > SEO.
- The Search Engine Optimization screen will open. Fill the Meta Tags fields as explained below:
- SiteTitle – The META tag title while important for search engines is also publicly visible (it is displayed at the top left of browser window). It is recommended that the META tag title is set to include your business name, type and location.
- Site Description – Like the title, the META tag description is important for search engines and publicly visible. Where you see a page of search results the page title will be displayed (as a clickable link) followed by the META tag description. We recommend a short paragraph which will entice the search engine user to click through to your website.
- Site Keywords – The META tag keywords are read by search engines and are not seen by the public (apart from savvy web users who chose to view your web page source code). As key words are restricted to 255 characters do not waste space by inserting commas. Refrain from repeating the same word more than 3 times as this can negatively affect your ranking (deemed to be “key word stuffing”). However, do purposely misspell words – since must of us tend to type really quickly and misspell easily.
- When finish with you meta tags click Save Changes button.
After setting your default Meta Tags you can over ride these on specific pages – this is good SEO to aid in indexing of individual pages with varied and targeted content.
- Open the page you want to add Meta Tags to in Edit Mode.
- Scroll down the page and locate the Page Settings section, just under the Content Area.
- Click the SEO tab
- Enter Page Title, Keywords and Description for this specific page, see below:
- After adding your Meta Tags click on Publish/Update button to save changes.
For Multi Property Sites we show each property in a dynamic page, however we can add Meta Tags to our property settings. Instructions below:
- Log into your website admin dashboard.
- Click on Properties -> All Items
- Click the Edit link for the property you wish to edit.
- With the Edit Property page open, scroll down to the Page Settings SEO section and enter your Page Title and Page Descriptions as desired.
(The Page Keywords section is now redundant, however feel free to enter as desired.) - Click the Update button to save any changes, and repeat these steps for all properties.