Receiving unwanted Spam mail?

With a CMSWebsite2Go website, we include Apache Spam Assassin for free to help you deal with unsolicited mail.

Instructions to configure this are below.

Configure Spam Assassin

To configure Apache Spam Assassin firstly you will need access to your website cPanel.

This can be found at yourwebaddress/cpanel.

If you are unsure of your login details, please contact us.

Apache Spam Assassin

To access and configure Apache Spam Assassin you will first need to log in to your cPanel.

  1. Under the Mail section click on Apache Spam Assassin.
    cPanel Apache Spam Assassin
  2. You will then need to Enable Apache Spam Assassin.
    Enable Spam Assassin

Once Apache Spam Assassin is enabled there are a few options for how you wish to deal with spam mail. With Apache Spam Assassin emails are examined and given a score to determine whether it should discard the message, based at what score point you select.

Spam Auto Delete

Spam Auto Delete

The Spam Auto Delete feature automatically deletes messages that meet or exceed the spam score limit (you are able to set the score limit at which messages are deleted).

We would recommend to set your score level high to start with, as these emails will be permanently deleted, and your legitimate email could be lost if for some reason Apache Spam Assassin gives the email a high score.

To activate Spam Auto Delete, select your desired score level at which emails will be deleted, and click Auto-Delete Spam button.

Auto Delete Spam


Spam Box

Spam Box will deliver any emails that the system identifies as spam into a separate mail folder named spam. This spam folder will fill quickly. You should empty it regularly.

If you have configured your email client as IMAP then you can access your Spam folder locally, otherwise for POP3 accounts you will need to log in to your Webmail regularly to clear your spam mail.

To activate Spam Box, click the button Enable Spam Box as below.

Enable Spam Box

Next you will need to create a Spam folder in your Webmail.

From your cPanel control panel click on Email Accounts as below.

Email Accounts

On this screen you will have a list of your email accounts that have been set up.

On the right hand side of the email account you wish to add the spam box to, click the More drop down and select Access Webmail as below.

Access Webmail

You will arrive at a new screen where you will need to select – Read Mail Using Roundcube.

Read Mail Using Roundcube

Once your webmail opens, click on the Settings link on the top right of the page.

Webmail Settings

Next you will need to click on Folders.

Webmail Folders

Click the ‘Plus’ symbol to add a Spam folder.

Add Folder

Enter the folder name ‘Spam’ and click Save.

Save Folder

You will now have a Spam folder in your webmail.

If you have your email client set up with a POP3 connection, then you will not be able to access this folder through your email client. You will need to log into Webmail and check these messages, and delete them as needed.

If your email client is set up with an IMAP connection, then you can access this Spam folder through your email client. Instructions for this will differ depending what email client you are using – you may need to contact their support directly for instructions.


Blacklist Emails

It is also possible to blacklist individual emails, or all emails from a certain domain.

  • To do this go to cPanel -> Apache Spam Assassin, and then click on Configure Apache Spam Assassin.
  • At the top you will need to set the Score for which emails should be blacklisted at.
  • In the next field you can enter any email addresses you wish to blacklist. If you need to save more than 5, enter all the fields and click Save, and more fields will appear upon the screen refreshing.
  • If you wish to blacklist all emails from a certain domain then you can use the following format:


    The * will ensure that any email accounts at will be blacklisted.

  • Likewise, you can Whitelist any email addresses in the same way. Enter these under the Whitelist_from fields at the bottom of the page.
  • We would not recommend to add anything in to the Score fields shown below, as this is an extra setting that requires advanced knowledge to configure.
  • Click Save at the bottom of the page when you have finished editing your Blacklist and Whitelist sections.