iBex room details can be pulled through into any page by adding shortcodes. Add the shortcode (copy and paste from below) to any Text Editor module. Any errors in your code will break your page, so we recommend to proceed with caution. Please contact web@seekom.support if you would like a quote for us to create your rooms page layout.

Obtain Room IDs from Seekom iBex

Log into Seekom iBex
From ‘Property Maintenance’ menu group select ‘Search Room Types’
Click ‘Room Types’ tab
Room Types will be displayed along with their IDs in the first column (note IDs as required). See example screen image below.

Room Types & IDs

All Room Details

[includeme file="snippets/rooms.php" photowidth="40%" ]

You can also break up room details into a layout of your choice.

Room Description

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type. This will display the Room Description from iBex.

[includeme file="snippets/roominfo.php" roomid="7455"]

Room Bedding

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type. This will display the Bedding Configuration from your room type in iBex.

[includeme file="snippets/roombedding.php" roomid="7455"]

Room Photo Options

iBex Room Slideshow

(you must have multiple images uploaded to iBex for this to work)
Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type.

[includeme file="snippets/roomphoto.php" roomid="7455" photowidth="100%" photoformat="ibexss"]

iBex Single Photo

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type.

[includeme file="snippets/roomphoto.php" roomid="7455" photowidth="100%" photoformat="single"]

Custom Slideshow

If you have created a Custom slideshow with Soliloquy, then you can use the slideshow shortcode instead.

Room Rate

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type. This will pull through the cheapest rate from todays date on your Rates Calendar in iBex.

[includeme file="snippets/roomrate.php" roomid="7455"]

Room Guests

(maximum occupancy)
Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type. This will pull through the maximum occupancy that has been set in iBex for you room type.

[includeme file="snippets/roomguests.php" roomid="7455"]

Room Icons

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type. This will pull through Icons for the Facilities Icons you have selected for your room type in iBex.

[includeme file="snippets/roomicons.php" roomid="7455"]

Room Book Now Button

Replace the Room ID, with the iBex room ID for your room type.
Change the ‘buttonlabel’ text as desired.
Change the ‘buttonalign’ to either ‘left’ or ‘right’.

[includeme file="snippets/roombookbutton.php" roomid="7455" buttonlabel="Book Now!" buttonalign="left"]