iBex room details can be pulled through into any page by adding shortcodes. Add the shortcode (copy and paste from below) to any Text Editor module. Any errors in your code will break your page, so we recommend to proceed with caution. Please contact web@seekom.support if you would like a quote for us to add any of this content to your pages.
iBex Booking Policies (all policies)
[includeme file="snippets/policies.php"]
iBex Booking Policies (separated)
Payment Policy
[includeme file="snippets/pay-policy.php"]
Cancellation Policy
[includeme file="snippets/cancel-policy.php"]
Child Policy
[includeme file="snippets/child-policy.php"]
Additional Policies
[includeme file="snippets/additional-policy.php"]
iBex Booking Screens
This will pull through the default booking screen template that has been set in your Theme Options – iBex Config
[includeme file="snippets/bookings.php"]
If you wish to embed a specific iBex booking template into a page, then you can follow the iBex Help Documents and use the Embed in iFrame option. When adding to the Page Builder, use the Basic Modules – HTML option.
iBex Property Facilities
This will pull through the Property Facilities that has been set in your iBex account.
[includeme file="snippets/facilities.php"]