Editing your page with the Page Builder is easy, and you can update content as often as you like.

  • Make sure you are logged into your websitye as Admin
  • If you are in the back end of WordPress (the Dashboard), then click the ‘Visit Site’ link to go to the front-end of your website


  • Use your website menu to navigate to the page you wish to edit


  • Now that your page has loaded, you will have two options at the top of the page to edit


Page Builder
The Page Builder link will open the visual page editor, so that you can edit text and images etc

When finished editing, select the blue ‘Done’ button at the top right, and then ‘Publish Changes’.

Edit Page
The Edit Page link will open the WordPress page editor, which will let you change things such as the page Title, and permalink

When you are finished making changes, click the blue ‘Update’ button on the right hand side to save your changes.