Websites using a database (such as WordPress) to maintain and present data to visitors will suffer a slower load speed than websites constructed solely in HTML. This is because the database is queried each and every time a web page is accessed to provide up to date content. As website page content is typically not updated regularly each day this is a waste of processing time.
Google is now factoring website load speed into site rankings but as we can’t all become HTML developers fortunately we can turn to other tools to achieve the same affect (such as caching).
All Seekom and CMSWebsite2Go hosted sites now have the Speed Of Light plugin installed.
Cached website pages have to be cleared periodically so website visitors are not presented with inaccurate out of date information. Whenever you amend a page in WordPress the cache will automatically be cleared for that page however if your website is interfaced to your iBex booking system, your website cache cannot recognise changes to content in iBex (such as Property and room descriptions and images). We therefore also set a schedule to automatically clear website cache at set intervals (once per day). You can also manually clear your website cache at any time.
Note: When logged into your website administration you are not presented with cached content so load speed will be slower for you. To see the difference log out of your website administration and then access your websites public pages.