Edit Image in a Page

When you have added an image directly into a WordPress page you may wish to subsequently amend its title, size and/or justification. Follow the instructions below to perform this. It is assumed you have a WordPress page open for editing. Video Edit an Image in a Page   Instructions Click once on the image you need to […]

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Delete Image from Page

For better control over your page layout and text formatting we recommend to use the PageBuilder. Click here for video instructions to convert your page content to the PageBuilder. When you have added an image directly into a WordPress page you may wish to subsequently delete it. It is assumed you have a WordPress page […]

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Add Image into a Page

For better control over your page layout and image and text formatting we recommend to use the PageBuilder. Click here for video instructions to convert your page content to the PageBuilder. When creating or editing a WordPress page, you can easily add images at any time using the WordPress Media Uploader tool. Here’s how to […]

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Delete a Page

In this article learn how to delete a page you not longer required. Note: if you have delete a page by accident you can restore it back.  Delete and Restore a Page Video Instructions Click on Pages > Directory View link in left panel. Locate required page.Tip: If you have more than 20 pages you may need to navigate […]

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