Image Optimisation

Images are a great source to tell your visitors about your business, products, or services.  Using big images for web can slow down your speed which also can impact your SEO ranking. Keep your image sizes to a minimum to reduce the amount of time a user is waiting for resources to load. Properly formatting […]

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Edit Image in Media Library

For each image uploaded to your Media Library you have some basic editing options available – crop, rotate, flip and resize. Also it is a good practice to edit the Image Title and Alternative Text for Search Engine purposes, we recommend the use of keywords. Although WordPress does have functionality to allow you to crop […]

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Delete Media from Media Library

Deleting a media from Media Library will delete the file permanently. Make sure you are not using this media any more and also that you have a copy/back-up on your computer, in case you will need it again in the future. Instructions Click on Media Library link under Media/Images in left panel. Locate the images […]

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Add Media to Media Library

You can upload images, videos, PDF files, to your Media Library. They will be stored here ready for you to use them in your website. Instructions Click on Media/Images link in left panel. You can either click on Add New link (under Media/Images Menu) or the Add Media button (top of page).

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Delete Image from Gallery

Wordpress Gallery Instructions Pagebuilder Instructions Wordpress Gallery Instructions This article will show you how to remove an image from your galleries. Your image will be still stored in your Media Library. Instructions Open the page where your gallery is. Click once in the gallery icon. It will turn blue and two small icons will appear […]

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Add Images to a Gallery

Wordpress Gallery Instructions Pagebuilder Instructions Wordpress Gallery Instructions After you have created a gallery within a page you can add more images to it whenever you want. Instructions Open the page where your gallery is. Click once in within the Gallery, it will become grey and you will have two icons appear. Click on the Pencil […]

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Edit Image in a Page

When you have added an image directly into a WordPress page you may wish to subsequently amend its title, size and/or justification. Follow the instructions below to perform this. It is assumed you have a WordPress page open for editing. Video Edit an Image in a Page   Instructions Click once on the image you need to […]

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