The latest version of WordPress  is out: WordPress 3.8.

Your website has been upgraded to this latest version and all the plugins are working fine with it.

The main differences for your website with this latest upgrade are:

  • The News Feed Widget in your Dashboard.
    Probably you end up in this article thanks to a new widget installed in your website Dashboard. With this widget you’ll get the latest news and articles from our HELP Guide right into your Dashboard, so any time you login to the website you will see our latest add-ons, upgrades and articles from our HELP Guide. We hope this helps you to keep up the good work on your website.
  • A new and fresh design in the Admin Dashboard.
    The new WordPress dashboard has a fresh, uncluttered design that embraces clarity and simplicity. The Open Sans typeface provides simple, friendly text that is optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing.
  • Admin Colour Schemes.
    You can change the colour palette for your admin dashboard area, you can choose from eight new admin colour schemes so you can pick the one that suits you best. For instructions click here.

As usual if you have any questions about your website don’t hesitate to contact us at

The Web Team
Seekom / CMSWebsite2Go