With WordPress editing your pages is very easy and you can edit your page content any time and as often as you want.
For better control over your page layout and text formatting we recommend to use the PageBuilder.
Click here for video instructions to convert your page content to the PageBuilder.
- From your Dashboard menu locate the page you want to edit by hovering over Pages and either selecting the page or clicking on Directory View to help you locate the page:
- Your page will open in Edit Mode, at the top you will find the title field (in this case is Attractions) – if you need to change the title just click once and delete or add text.
- Just beneath the title you will find the Content Area.
As you can see in image below you have a number of icons to help you editing your content: from Add Media/Images, add Forms, Text Formatting, Alignment, bulleted or numbered list, etc. - At the right hand side you will see the Publish module.
With this module you can control page status and visibility, also you can delete and publish or update your page. - In the right hand panel under Page Type you can select the following:
Header Type:
Depending on your theme you can select Slideshow Header, Featured Image Header, or Short (No Header).
Page Style:
Here you can select to have a Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar, or No Sidebar.
Extra Content:
Here you can select to pull through any iBex content such as Booking Screens or Enquiry Screen etc. Please note that this content will not show when you are in Edit Mode, and any additional content you add to the page will be displayed above the iBex content. - The Page Attributes module allows you to set parents, and to change the order of your pages.
- The Exclude Pages module allows you to hide pages from your menu, this is useful when your menu is built dynamically by WordPress and not using the Menu Builder.
- And finally the Featured Image module allows you to add a featured header image for this page (instructions here)
- Once you have finish editing your page click on the Update button to save your changes.