Now that you have your categories and your first post ready to share with your website visitors you need to make sure to display your blog in your website. You have two options to perform this:

  • To use the Sidebar Post Widget to display a button linked to your blog page and your latest posts (displayed in your sidebar), or
  • Create a  Category Menu Item in your Menu Builder (you need to be using the Menu Builder)

This widget will display a button linked to your blog page, you can also display your latest post. See an example below:



  1.  Go to General Settings > Widgets
  2. Locate the Sidebar widgets area and click on the arrow to open.
  3. Open the Sidebar Posts widget, click on right hand side arrow. Otherwise you will need to drag this Widget into position from your Available Widgets at the left of the page.
  4. Title: You can add/change the label for your blog button. In this sample is News/Blog.
  5. Category: Select the category you want to display.
  6. Number of post to show: Select the number of posts you wish to be displayed in the sidebar.
  7. Sort by: Select from date, title, number of comments or random.
  8. Tick or de-tick your preferences for:
    – Reverse sort order (ascending)
    – Show post date
    – Show post thumbnail
  9. Excerpt length (in words) Set how long in terms of words you want to display your post excerpt.
  10. Tick or de-tick next options:
    – Show number of comments.
    – Show post date
    – Show post thumbnail
  11. Set a thumbnail dimension (width and height) if you have ticked the thumbnail option above.
  12. After setting your preferences click on Save.




With the Menu Builder option you can add categories menu items to your website, this will create category pages allowing you to collect together post based on that category.

For instructions on how to work with the Menu Builder click here.


  1. From your website admin menu click on Menu Builder.
  2. The Menu Builder screen will open. Locate the Categories module, you will need to click on the arrow to the right to expand the module.
    Select the category you want to add and click Add to Menu button.
  3. By default the new menu item will appear at the bottom of the menu. You can change its order in he menu by drag n’ drop.
  4. Click on Save Menu button.
    Now you can check your website and check your menu.